Microfiber Product Instructions

Microfiber Care Instructions

How to care for your Norwex Microfiber.

With proper care, Norwex microfiber can be reused to replace paper and chemicals in your home for at least 2 years. See more instruction detail in the slide show below:

5 Simple Swaps

How to say NO to harmful chemicals in your home

The instructions below will help you start to clean out the harmful cleaning products in your home for good. I am enlightened to share with you a secret: we don’t really need Clorox in our home anymore.

Additional Tips

How to achieve a comfortable sustainable living life

Changing habits are not easy tasks to do. However, changing habits for sustainable living life is worth our try since it is the simplest change that would make a huge impact on our humankind in the future. In the end, we only have one earth to pass onto our kids. The slideshow below contains the tips that make the switch as easy, as comfortable as possible.

Microfiber Care Instructions

How to care for your Norwex Microfiber.

With proper care, Norwex microfiber can be reused to replace paper and chemicals in your home for at least 2 years. See more instruction detail in the slide show below:

5 Simple Swaps

How to say NO to harmful chemicals in your home

The instructions below will help you start to clean out the harmful cleaning products in your home for good. I am enlightened to share with you a secret: we don’t really need Clorox in our home anymore.

Additional Tips

How to achieve a comfortable sustainable living life

Changing habits are not easy tasks to do. However, changing habits for sustainable living life is worth our try since it is the simplest change that would make a huge impact on our humankind in the future. In the end, we only have one earth to pass onto our kids. The slideshow below contains the tips that make the switch as easy, as comfortable as possible.